Lotz Laboratory for Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering and Regeneration

513 Parnassus Ave. S-1164
San Francisco, CA 94143
Tel: 415-502-4945

Our work

Jeffrey Lotz, PhD, and his lab are focused on identifying mechanisms of disc degeneration, developing novel diagnostics and therapies for low back pain, and the biomechanics of spinal instrumentation.

The laboratory is located within the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and aims to understand the biomechanics and biology of the lumbar spine and intervertebral disc in both health and disease. A number of research programs in this area include: theoretical and experimental development of material laws for disc tissues; finite element simulations of disc and vertebral body response to in vivo loading; animal models to clarify the mechanisms of disc degeneration and repair; animal models to clarify the relationship between disc degeneration and pain; investigation of novel surgical interventions meant to treat back pain; and tissue engineering of fibro-cartilaginous tissues. For more information, please visit the Lotz Lab web site.

Lotz Lab at UCSF

Our lab is located at the University of California, San Francisco, 513 Parnassus Ave, S-1156, San Francisco, CA 94143.

Current projects

Topics covered in our research include:

  • Therapeutic effects of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) on inflammatory responses in degenerated intervertebral disc cells
  • Cocultured cell micropellets with stem cells and disc cells (w/ Dr. Tamara Alliston)
  • Effects of structural variations on avulsion strength at the disc-vertebra interface
  • Effects of spaceflight on the bending properties of the spine (w/ NASA)
  • Pathobiology of vertebral bone marrow lesions (Modic changes)


Visit the Lotz lab web site

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